Chapter 2, Page 33
We interrupt the trip to Exposition Tree Stump (TM) to bring you this very important announcement: Friday is my birthday!
We interrupt the trip to Exposition Tree Stump (TM) to bring you this very important announcement: Friday is my birthday!
Here’s a funny thing I learned in studying new languages (especially Navajo and Spanish): idioms and phrases don’t translate one-to-one from culture to culture. So Basho being confused by the phrase “we’re all ears” is due to the fact that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I don’t usually see enough culture shock in the comics I read, so Jamie Roberts and friends are going to be experiencing a LOT of that in this series. This is, in part, pulled from my experiences in Navajo Nation:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It’s the end of Chapter 1! DUN DUN DUN. There will be a two-week hiatus so I can make Chapter 2’s first few pages. Updates will resume June 12. Want to see the comic pages while in the making? Patreon’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
SO. MUCH. ACTION. Speaking of action – YWCA Mini-Con is this Saturday, May 26 in Wheeling WV, and I’ll be there! Check it out on the Facebook event page for more info.
RathaCon was fun. Free Comic Book Day kept me busy. Next stop? 3 Rivers Comicon. May 11 and 12, Homestead, PA. More deets on the official website.
Big shout-out to Patreon patrons Luke and Ben S. for being pirates in the first panel! All future patron appearances will be as Corith people. If you would like to make an appearance in the comic, go check out my[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Please excuse the week-long delay to get this page up, but that last panel took FOREVER. It didn’t help that one of my side hustles monopolized my hours for the last two weeks. But now things should be back to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…